Luis M Bolaños

PhD in Biomedical Sciences

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

College of Life & Environmental Sciences
University of Exeter

Contact: l.bolanos-avellaneda [at]

Hi! I'm Luis,

I am a postdoc at Dr. Ben Temperton lab in the University of Exeter (United Kingdom). My general research area is in Environmental Microbiology. I have multiple interests within the field, being the most prominent marine microbial community dynamics, eukaryotic-bacteria symbiosis and the ecological controls on phage-bacteria interactions. Currently, I'm studying the influence of pelagiphages on SAR11 seasonal dynamics in the Western English Channel.

Previously, I completed my BS in Genomic Sciences at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and PhD in Biomedical Sciences at the Center for Genomic Sciences (UNAM). I worked for four years as a postdoctoral scholar at Dr. Stephen Giovannoni group in Oregon State University (US) investigating phytoplankton and bacteria seasonality in the North Atlantic. I have a strong background in bioinformatics but also enjoy field and lab work.

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This webpage was last updated on 03 May, 2021